Traumatic Brain Injury
Those who suffer from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as a result of a car accident usually have an uphill and difficult battle with their no-fault auto insurance company to get their benefits paid. Insurance companies like to claim that their insured is faking the symptoms. This is easy for them to do as because a traumatic brain injury can be difficult to diagnose and rarely will a traumatic brain injury show up during medically objective testing like an MRI or CAT scan.
Insurance companies cut off your no-fault benefits because it is easy for them to do. An insurance company will send you to a doctor it paid for. The doctor will either say that you may have suffered an injury but have reached maximum medical improvement so no more benefits are needed or that there is no objective evidence to indicate you suffered a traumatic brain injury and therefore no benefits are needed.
This means your medical appointments may no longer be covered, your wage-loss will no longer be paid, and your household services and attendant care benefits will no longer be paid for. This is wrong and not what you paid your premiums for. You need an attorney to make sure your benefits and treatment you need continues to be covered by your no-fault auto insurer.
An experienced traumatic brain injury attorney will be able to help you navigate the insurance process to make sure your benefits get paid. Thomas J. Machasic has helped others who have suffered from a traumatic brain injury get their no-fault benefits paid. Thomas J. Machasic has also helped others get the compensation they deserve from the pain and suffering due to their traumatic brain injury.